by Ben Jennings
Posted: almost 6 years ago
Updated: almost 6 years ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: London
Reminder: None
Ends: 18:15 (duration is about 1 hour)

Professor Andrew Wilson
University of Bradford

Visualising Heritage: from Mummies and Digitised Diseases to Fragile Heritage and Curious Travellers

With wideranging interests in Archaeology and Heritage, Bioarchaeology, Forensic and Archaeological Sciences, Professor Wilson’s inaugural lecture will explore the relevance of digital documentation and means of visualising heritage for a variety of different applications. The impact of this work can serve a number of agendas, from enhancing teaching resources and stimulating research, to aiding presentation, interpretation and promoting public engagement, ensuring accurate records exist of heritage at risk, offering access to remote or dangerous locations, helping reconstruction and supporting sustainable development.


Richmond J19