by Vince Gaffney
Posted: 3 months ago
Updated: 3 months ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: London
Reminder: None
Ends: 18:30 (duration is about 1 hour)

The coastal heritage along the western Indian Ocean and two Gulfs reflects millennia of occupation and trade in both tangible and intangible heritage. From Mozambique to Somalia, the material culture and coastal heritage assets are at the forefront of impact from both climate change, in the form of sea level rise and associated storm activity and from periodic natural disasters such as tsunami. Building resilience into the coastal zone can be achieved through a combination of surveys by heritage practitioners and the use of citizen science-based recording of heritage sites at risk. Citing examples from Tanzania, this talk seeks to inform on how a combined, multidisciplinary approach enables management of the archaeological and heritage resource to benefit local communities through enhanced awareness, building protection into future schemes and ensuring economic growth. I will provide insights into past practice, and observations of change over time and propose steps towards a more sustainable future.

Dr Elgidius Ichumbaki is an Associate Professor of Heritage Studies at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. He is also a Visiting Associate Professor at the University College Dublin, Ireland and an Adjunct Professor at Korea University in South Korea. For over 15 years, Professor Ichumbaki has conducted research and established community enterprises at various heritage sites in Tanzania. He has devoted his career to recording and celebrating diverse African heritage and cultures to enhance local pride, decolonise research, and build communities’ futures. Professor Ichumbaki is the president of Pan-African Archaeological Association, a not-for-profit professional organisation whose members are archaeologists and cognate scientists researching African pasts.

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