Bradford's Marine Group in the Oxford Handbook of Mesolithic Europe

10 Feb by Gaffney, Vince

Bradford researchers from the SAFS’ Submerged Landscape Research Centre have contributed the Doggerland section to the new Oxford Handbook of Medolithic Europe

As the introduction to the book states, the Mesolithic has recently undergone important transformations, making it one of the most dynamic fields of archaeological research today. These changes are the result of a combination of factors: new and exciting discoveries, the impact of innovative scientific methods, and the introduction of fresh interpretative approaches. Nothing makes the point more than the new research area of marine palaeolandscapes, and specifically, research on Mesolithic Doggerland.

With contributions from leading scholars in the field and from across the continent, The Oxford Handbook of Mesolithic Europe provides the first comprehensive overview of the rich archaeology of Mesolithic Europe. Chapters on different European regions, as well as neighboring areas in North Africa and the Middle East, provide a synoptic view, with thematic chapters examining the lived experience of different kinds of landscapes and adaptations, different forms of technology, and aspects of Mesolithic life, death, ritual, cosmology, and art. The volume highlights both the significance of interdisciplinary research for the field, and the importance of combining perspectives and approaches when studying the deep past.

To read – Doggerland, James Walker, Vince Gaffney, Simon Fitch, and Andy Fraser – get your orders in now.

The Oxford Handbook of Mesolithic Europe Edited by Liv Nilsson Stutz, Riita Peyroteo Stjerna, and Mari Tõrv –

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