What's at the bottom of your garden - SAFS and the Cottingley Fairies

26 Jul by Gaffney, Vince

The cameras used by young cousins Elsie Wright and Frances Griffiths, between 1917 and 1920 . to capture images of the famous Cottingley Fairies are among the first objects to be internally analysed by state-of-the-art scanning technology provided as part of SAFS CAPCO award (https://shorturl.at/alsb5)

The pictures of the girls with the fairies at the bottom of their aunt’s garden in Cottingley and the nearby Cottingley Beck, in West Yorkshire, became internationally famous – and some were taken using a camera given by Sir Aurthur Conan Doyle – of Sherlock Holmes fame – and who was known for his interest in spirtualism. Whilst the sisters later admitted faking four of the pictures they claimed one was genuine.

Now part of the permanent collection of the National Science and Media Museum – the two cameras ushave now been scanned using a MetroTom 1500 micro CT and a NewTom CBCT (Cone Beam CT) – which can image detail down to a resolution of seven microns.

No Fairies have as yet been found – said Andy Wilson -and you can read more at -

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