SWANDRO - find of the week

14 Jul by Gaffney, Vince

A beautiful polished stone disc was found by Alex (one of the Bradford students who is on his first excavation) and the moment of discovery was captured by Alice who happened to be in the right place at the right time

These discs are found in Iron Age Scotland during the Roman period, one was found in Westray in an 18th century burial, and there’s a free downloadable paper by James Graham-Campbell and Fraser Hunter ‘Unusual Roman Iron Age burials on the Links of Pierowall, Westray Orkney’ in PSAS 2021, which has much more detail and distribution maps of the Scottish examples. Predictably for archaeology nobody knows what they’re for, although they are suggested to be for use as a palette for grinding something up, possibly cosmetics or medicinal or narcotic substances.

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