SWANDO excavations start on Monday

16 Jun by Gaffney, Vince

The team are very excited at Swandro HQ as they’re back on site tomorrow (Monday) morning for the start of the2024 excavation season, running through until the 9th August. As usual they will be doing a daily dig diary on our website so you can follow our progress.
If you follow Swandro on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/SwandroOrkneyCoastalArchaeologyTrust/) the link to the dig diary will be posted on our Facebook page each night so you won’t miss out. We’re hoping for another great year with lots of star finds to share with you.
More also on the dig diary at https://us13.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=fd10f181ca56dfd6a5aa2d527&id=f8890a1572

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