Krupa gets her trees - and sets off to survey Canada’s vast boreal forest

10 May by Gaffney, Vince

SAFS’ student Krupa Sayania is about to embark on a field trip of a lifetime that will involve surveying part of Canada’s vast Western boreal forest.

Krupa, originally from Leeds, is the recipient of a Mitacs Globalink Research Internship. She will use drones and laser scanners to survey forest canopies across Saskatchewan, data from which will be used to understand how climate change is affecting tree growth.

Krupa, 33, said: “I’m thrilled to be part of the Mitacs Globalink Research Internship and I am looking forward to learning new techniques and contributing to important research on climate change. The vast expanse of Canada’s western boreal forest stores a lot of carbon and ultimately, our project will help us understand how climate change may impact these forests in the future, which is important for protecting them.

Well done, Krupa!

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