Experience Railway mania - and learn about Bradford's work on HS2 - Britain's largest archaeological project

17 Jun 2020 by Gaffney, Vince

More than 1,000 archaeologists, specialists and conservators haved worked on HS2 making this the larrgest archaeological project ever undertaken in Britain and potentially in Europe,

Bradord are involved in this massive undertaking and you can lear about this in a webinar tomorrow. See how we’re exploring the exciting archaeology that HS2 is enabling us to discover. Supported by the National Railway Museum, discover the evidence that remains of the grand Junction Railway’s terminus at Curzon Street and set Curzon Street Station in the wider context of Victorian Railway Mania and the railway boom of the 19th Century. We’ll be showing you archive plans, prints and exclusive 3D models and interpretation from Visualising Heritage, Bradford University’s virtual reality team. Experts will be on hand to answer all your questions.

register here -

Photograph: metrogogo – HS2 Curzon Street archaeological investigations in Birmingham.


Curson Street, birmingham

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