On the Brown Banks with Ben and Lost Frontiers

12 Sep 2019 by Gaffney, Vince

During the first weeks of September a joint team from VLIZ, Ostend, University of Warwick, and the University of Bradford undertook a field survey to Brown Bank, aboard the Belgian Research Vessel Simon Stevin.

Unfortunately severe wind and waves meant the Simon Stevin was unable to sail at the scheduled time, reducing the survey from 8 to 3 days.

The field season was a success, with extensive seismic data captured, sediment cores taken at 9 locations, and over twenty lines of beam trawling completed.

Artefacts recovered, including fish bone, animal bone, peat surface, and flint will be analysed in the coming weeks. The seismic data and cores will take longer to process, though the information they contain will significantly enhance our knowledge of the submerged landscapes beneath the North Sea.


North Sea

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